‘1923’s’ Julia Schlaepfer (Alex) Weighs In On Her Place In The Dutton Family Tree


1923 is officially back in full force, after a brief layoff at the midway point of the first half of its debut season.

Of course, when you have famed actors like Harrison Ford and Helen Mirren leading the charge, playing the roles of Jacob and Cara Dutton in the show, it’s going to open some eyes to begin with.

However, as the show has gone on, fans have fallen in love with other characters, and one in particular is Alex, who is played by Julia Schlaepfer.

In the latest episode, Alex and Spencer (Brandon Sklenar) are on their way to meet up with the Dutton family in Montana, but they ran into a brief road block after their tugboat ran into a massive ship.

Luckily, they were saved by Capt. Shipley, who actually ends up wedding Alex and Spencer after offering rings from dead sailors.

Now, Schlaepfer is discussing the wild episode in an interview with Deadline.

During the collision between the tugboat and ship, Alex gives Spencer a speech about never being scared. She weighed in on where that came from, along as the importance of it:

“It was really important because when she decided to run away on an adventure with him, she genuinely wanted it and the danger that came with it. But she didn’t what that meant and what it entailed. She didn’t know what the world was truly like.

We’ve watched her get absolutely rocked by all the things that have happened to them, the lions and now the boat. She’s finding her strength that she’s never had to access before because she grew up in such a privileged upbringing.

As they continue their journey, there are going to be more moments like that. It’s going to continue to be difficult for them. She’s kind of convincing herself that she’s not going to be scared. She chose this life no matter what. It’s going to be her and Spencer until the end.”

She also discussed the part at the end of the episode where she tells Spencer that she’ll go wherever he goes, even if “it’s to the death of me:”

“Taylor doesn’t write anything that he doesn’t mean! When I first read that, I was like uh-oh. I’m truly going on not knowing what is going to happen to her. We don’t know what their fate is.

I definitely think it means there are a lot more obstacles they are gonna have to go through before the end of the story.”

She also admitted that she can’t spill the details on when the two will actually make it to Montana.

And on top of that, she also admitted that she’s not exactly sure where she falls into relation to Kevin Costner, saying that Taylor Sheridan likes to keep that information a secret:

“Everyone was speculating when we first got to Cowboy Camp. There were many debates about the family line. We would all poke fun at each other and try to figure it out.

I was drawing out a family tree on the back of my script. We don’t fully know. Taylor keeps all those things quite a secret until he’s fully ready to show us the scripts.

But we have a very strong idea. That’s all I can say!”

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